
Past Event

Naturally Universal: A Lecture by Sarah Kay

February 13, 2023
6:30 PM - 7:30 PM
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Maison Française East Gallery, Buell Hall Columbia University 515 West 116th Sreet New York, NY 10027
Naturally Universal: How Aristotle Explains the Success of Medieval French Song A Lecture by Sarah Kay

This conference will be live-streamed on Facebook and you can watch the recording on youtube afterwards.

Poets and singers in a number of medieval vernacular languages reached non-native audiences and inspired speakers of other languages to compose in theirs; and many imagined their compositions enjoying a universality similar to that of cosmopolitan languages like Latin and Arabic. An interesting rationalization of these aspirations can be discerned in a short verse narrative of a well-known episode in the youth of Alexander the Great, conqueror of India, together with his tutor, the philosopher Aristotle. Not only does it involve Greeks and Indians singing French songs and cosplaying French lovers, but the philosopher is induced to pretend to be a horse and then justifies his behavior as "natural," with far-reaching implications which this talk will explore.

Sarah Kay is Professor Emerita in the Department of French Literature, Thought and Culture at New York University and Life Fellow at Girton College, University of Cambridge

This talk is presented by the Columbia Maison Française, Society of Fellows and Heyman Center for the Humanities, The Society of Senior Scholars, the Department of Music, and Medieval and Renaissance Studies.

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